User Commands

User Commands are simple commands that lets you perform a specific action on a user.

Unlike Slash Commands, the names for these commands can contain mixed cases and spaces.

Since these commands are very basic by design, the scope of the actions they can perform are extremely specific, but very convenient to execute.

These commands live in the users directory, and use the defineUserCommand Definition Function for type support.


For more advanced uses, visit the Setup Method guide.

Basic Command

import { defineUserCommand } from 'chooksie'

export default defineUserCommand({
  name: 'High Five',
  async execute(ctx) {
    const user = ctx.interaction.user
    const target = ctx.interaction.targetUser

    await ctx.interaction.reply(`${user} High Fived ${target}!`)
import { defineUserCommand } from 'chooksie'

export default defineUserCommand({
  name: 'High Five',
  async execute(ctx) {
    const user = ctx.interaction.user
    const target = ctx.interaction.targetUser

    await ctx.interaction.reply(`${user} High Fived ${target}!`)
const { defineUserCommand } = require('chooksie')

module.exports = defineUserCommand({
  name: 'High Five',
  async execute(ctx) {
    const user = ctx.interaction.user
    const target = ctx.interaction.targetUser

    await ctx.interaction.reply(`${user} High Fived ${target}!`)